About Us

Who are Football Shirts Anonymous?

Here at Football Shirts Anonymous we are a group of football fans who have been working to extend their personal passion of collecting football shirts to like minded people. 


We’ve been collecting shirts personally for over two decades and in that time we have seen a wide range of quality and authentic shirts being sold too. Over this period we have acquired a significant amount of expertise and now have a large network that allows us to only source the best products for both our own store and directly for our customers, many of whom have their own retail businesses too meaning there are a lot of shirts out there that have once been held in our goalie gloves.


With the many sources we can utilise, we can track down shirts of all shapes and sizes meaning it is highly likely we'll be able to locate what you're looking for even if it isn't showing as available in our store.


With a rich history of delivering the best possible service during previous careers, satisfaction of our customers has been the most crucial aspect of what we do. That continues now with Football Shirts Anonymous since those practices transition perfectly well to providing an equally exceptional service for anyone looking to find the perfect shirt, either for themselves or as a gift for someone special.



We are always looking to extend our stock so if you have a collection you are looking to part with some or all of, then please get in touch by clicking the button below or via any of the methods available on our site.